Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ho Ho Ho Everyone!

So as Christmas is quickly approaching. And I'm typing this, I do wonder, what are your Chrismas' like now? How were your Christmas when you were a kid?

Mine today are not the best since I left my hermosa familia back in México since I decided to come and work in the USA, six years ago. You know... being Mexican is great, being Mexican in 'Gringo-land' during the Holidays... Not so much.

One of my first Christmas experiences was an eye-opener. I always knew there was people that just "don't get it" and that in the USA most of the vibe was very commercialized. (and I'm not saying everyone is like that in here, NOT AT ALL!) But duuuuude, did I got the shock of my life when I watched those kids (my political nephews/nieces) opening present after present, after present, topping easily 9 or 10 gifts per kid, and then screaming in discontent after the last one was unwrapped : "that's all?!" "aren't there anymore?!". It totally sent me back to my Christmas'...There I was sitted on the couch of their fancy high celing house, with an extremely high natural Christmas tree lost in my thoughts back in my house in México, thinking that after having a nice Christmas eve dinner of either Tamalitos, Menudo, Roasted Chicken (and always Frijolitos a La Charra) I will go to sleep around 9, unable to sleep until 2 am getting up as early as I possible could, knowing, there will be ONE present waiting in there for me. One, the one I long waited almost half of the year. My emotions could not be topped, I would almost sweat thinking I could finally have it, and play with it.

And once I got that present open , I'd realize it wasn't exactly what I asked for.

I remember being a kid, I'd justify Santa Claus. I'd think, with somewhat small disappointment: "ah well...Santa couldn't find what I asked for... well, at least he got me something that is kinda like it."

I used to keep the boxes of my gifts, and most of the wrapping paper that could get saved (and keep them neat, just saved somehwere) To me, all of it was part of the gift. It all had huge value.

To not make the story long, this happen to me each consecutive year until I was too old to receive gifts from Santa.

In one instant ,I'd be back from my memories, again watching what I could not believe... Kids stepping on their own toys, unhappily treating other toys because they weren't what they liked... the boxes were mere trash, also the wrapping paper...

Well, I indeed was irked. You might be asking yourself, if I said something, but I decided not to, since they were not my kids, and probably would be highly inappropriate to share whatever I had to share.

Instead I decided that, regardless of how many gifts I could provide to my own kids the day I had them, I will then teach them about appreciation, about what the HOLIDAYS really meant.

My DD is only 3 years, but I already can tell now that I am a mother, that kids are simple their parents reflect.

And there is a long way to go, but I am not going to stop in working really hard to give my kid all that she needs EMOTIONALLY forever.
A home filled with love, not with presents.

Cheers, and I wish you to have the happiest christmas, full of health and love.


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